This article will really be more about “ecumenicalism” and why it’s for sodomites.
When I was about 8 or so, we were staying in Florida for a month and my parents decided to try our friend’s “non-denominational” church instead of going to a Catholic mass.
After we left (thoroughly enjoyable and edifying experience for all), I asked what “non-denominational” meant. My dad answered that it meant they weren’t part of a specific organization and were “just Christians”. I said, “Well, why don’t all Christians just work together?”
All this to show that the sentiment I expressed is for naive and ignorant 8 year olds. But we will get back to that.
Behold the icon of iniquity.
I have frequently criticized him publicly and privately because not only is he an ignoramus, but he is an ignoramus with immense influence. Somehow.
Now, some of my friends have responded that he is “not that bad”. I would like to argue that he is “that bad”, and probably even worse than we realize. In fact, I am bullish on a public Redeemed Zoomer moral failing coming to light imminently (Minecraft griefing? Pirating movies and/or television shows?)
But until then, we just have to criticize him for his teachings, which thankfully give us plenty to “unpack”.
Let us go through some of the smaller things quickly before we get into what I actually want to critcize.
First, for all of his talk about “good aesthetics”, his aesthetics are horrific.
I have no idea how anyone looks at his Instagram page and does not immediately say “this is the ugliest MSpaint slop I have ever seen in my entire life.”
Also, I am not going to post his visage again but I think he needs to reconsider the RPG dwarf NPC look.
But alright, that is a small subjective complaint. Maybe some people out there enjoy the MSpaint color palette.
RedeemedZoomer’s “big idea” is called “reconquista”, which sadly has nothing to do with expelling Somalians from Minnesota.
Instead, he wants us to “take back the mainline”. In case you don’t know, the mainline churches are those old churches with gay flags hanging from them. Essentially, in the late 1900s, big Protestant denominations split because of homosexual subversion from within. So you have more conservative and smaller Protestant churches with their big and gay mainline counterparts.
For instance, there’s the Presbyterian Church in America (300k or so members) and the Presbyterian Church (USA) (over 1 million members). The PCUSA thinks gay marriage is dandy and holy and trans women should be in charge. Essentially, libtards in church. The PCA does not think those things (for now).
The Lutheran situation is even more bleak because their “conservative” denomination basically works for Antifa now, but that’s a story for another time.
Redeemed Zoomer thinks that we need to make the mainline denominations Based again. We’ll accomplish this by attending PCUSA/ELCA liturgies ran by trans bishops every Sunday. And just by being there and being Based we will make those churches Based again. This will work because EU4 is real life. The colors will change on the map.
Ok, maybe I’m being a little mean. I’ve heard that RZ’s plan is to get the Right Guys into seminary.
But you cannot reform those organizations from the bottom up. Even if you got 100 of “your guys” into seminary, they won’t make it very far. The leadership is not clueless, they are unified on being homosexual. They will kick you out the second they get a whiff of what you are doing.
Redeemed Zoomer wants you to do this so that faithful Protestants can have “influence” again. He thinks the mainline churches control respected institutions and Based people should be in control of those institutions. Not quite sure what he’s talking about.
I think it’s a bit contrary to Scripture also. Nobody in the book of Acts said “we need to reconquista the Sanhedrin”. Rather, Scripture tells us to leave “unequally yoked” relationships. “Flee from the midst of Babylon.”
It’s LARPing at the end of the day. You get to feel like you’re doing something. I think last October 31st the “Reconquista movement” posted “95 theses” for each of the mainline churches. I’m sure the openly lesbian bishops gave them serious consideration.
They are mostly fine but the medium is useless.
It’s just silly conservative “the leftists are the real racists” rhetoric. Sodomitical PCUSA leaders are aware that they are progressives. That is why they are there.
But whatever, this is just a small criticism. I don’t think this is what’s really wrong with him.
For someone who talks a lot about fighting modernism, RedeemedZoomer has some progressive tendencies himself. Mostly flagrantly offensive to me is his defense of theistic evolution and barely-concealed hatred of creationism.
My brother in theology, YOU are the modernism!
(Also, as an Adventist of sorts myself, I wish that we came up with YEC but this is just obviously wrong. A brief perusal of the relevant Wikipedia articles would demonstrate the invalidity of that assertion.)
Furthermore, when I joined his Discord server I saw that promoting “conspiracy theories” is banned because that’s, uh, Gnostic apparently. So yes, Redeemed Zoomer is vaccinated against COVID-19.
Finally, he claims to be conservative but doesn’t support Donald John Trump for President in 2024. A real mask off moment there.
But again, this is not the worst thing about him.
His biggest issue is his obnoxious variety of ecumenicalism. Redeemed Zoomer claims to be an amateur Protestant Theologian™. But then, he turns around and says that he would rather become Catholic than Baptist.
“OK. So what?” you may say. Well, let us remember a few things about Roman Catholicism.
Roman Catholicism encourages the veneration of saints, icons, and images. This is clearly in direct opposition to the witness of Scripture, which condemned the sin of idolatry throughout. Ergo, Roman Catholicism leads its parishioners into damnable sin and hell. (If you are a well-read Protestant then you should agree with this.)
Not only is Bergoglio a communist, but he is the Pope of Rome and therefore the Biblical man of sin. If he truly gives himself blasphemous titles and privileges such as Vicarius Filei Dei, and is truly of the Devil, then his church must be also. (Again, another classical Protestant position.)
Rome lacks the Biblical Gospel as they deny Sola Fide and instead affirm salvation by manmade ritual and institution. (A third classical Protestant position and an admission of their own.)
Any one of these things (and there are about a thousand more I could have listed) would be enough for me to want to have absolutely nothing to do with Rome. In fact, I consider it the Biblical Whore of Babylon.
Meanwhile, Baptists vote for Trump, have ugly church buildings, and don’t recite the Nicene Creed every service. So obviously they are much worse.
But really, if you are a “high church Protestant” then you really have to come to grips with this. Baptists aren’t leading people into traditional Canaanite idolatry like Rome does. Or do you really think that being “untraditional” is worse than Roman blasphemy?
Also, when he says that the Reformers considered the Baptists to be worse than the Catholics, that is a very vague statement. Were the Munsterites bad? Of course. But were all Anabaptists insane insurrectionists? No.
Also, if “the Reformers” he has in mind really did consider Mennonites to be worse than Catholics, then maybe those Reformers were idiots also and I would like to see their posthumous response to the objections I posed.
I do not think that one can consider themself to be a serious Protestant and not consider Rome to be heretical. See, the devil has always attempted to corrupt Christians. His tactics have always been the same: leading us into transgression.
Consider the Israelites.
“Now these things were our examples, to the intent we should not lust after evil things, as they also lusted. Neither be ye idolaters, as were some of them; as it is written, The people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play. Neither let us commit fornication, as some of them committed, and fell in one day three and twenty thousand.” 1 Corinthians 10:6-8
Balaam could not curse Israel for Moab. However, his counsel to entice the Israelite men to idol worship through the Moabite women was successful.
It is pollyannaish to imagine that Israel today (the church) is not a similar spiritual siege. As a Seventh Day Adventist, I believe that churches have been led astray into Sunday-keeping. But even a non-Adventist should be leery of the numerous false doctrines that lead into sin and deception so ubiquitous today.
You should not be unequally yoked. There is no fellowship with Rome. There is no fellowship with the East. Their churches condemn the Gospel, scorn the Word, and replace truth with lies.
Redeemed Zoomer however, believes in Dungeons and Dragons Christianity, where each Normal denomination is a different class.
Reject this. Christianity does not need this.
There are other things I could criticize him for but I think this should suffice. Now, a good friend of mine still defends him, saying “he is obviously sincere and good-intentioned.” Maybe.
But, the Bible warns, “My brethren, be not many masters, knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation.” I would not be writing this article if Redeemed Zoomer was some nobody. But, he is being praised in Christianity Today (bad fruit) so his errors necessitate a response. It doesn’t matter whether his intentions are good, those of us who endeavor to teach must not teach error.
To conclude, Redeemed Zoomer’s emphasis on theological orthodoxy is not a bad instinct. But his scope is limited. He is unorthodox himself, so he never can truly “fight modernism”. It is my hope and prayer that he repents.